

Rabbi Shraga Freedman


Rabbi Shraga Freedman, influenced by his Mashgiach Harav Matisyahu Solomon Shlita, authored Living Kiddush Hashem - a guide to the mitzvah and mission of Kiddush Hashem published by ArtScroll/ Mesorah - and the Hebrew sefer Mekadshei Shemecha, a comprehensive work on the hashkafos of Kiddush Hashem. Rabbi Freedman has made spreading Kiddush Hashem awareness his life goal and authored a biweekly column in Yated Ne’eman for several years and developed an extensive Living Kiddush Hashem curriculum with Torah Umesorah. Rabbi Freedman has been in education and school administration for the last 20 years in both high school and elementary levels.

Shabsey Gartner founded the Heritage House in Jerusalem over 40 years ago with Rabbi Meir Schuster, under the guidance of R’ Noach Weinberg. As a graduate of SUNY with a BA in accounting, Shabsey developed a very successful apparel company, Brisco Brands, over the past 25 years. As a political askan in Toms River, New Jersey, he has become the lay leader of the Jewish community, working with local, State and Federal politicians. As our trailblazer, Shabsey has unified our efforts to bring Living Kiddush Hashem to every Jew worldwide.


Rabbi Shabsey Gartner


Shabsey Gartner founded the Heritage House in Jerusalem over 40 years ago with Rabbi Meir Schuster, under the guidance of R’ Noach Weinberg. As a graduate of SUNY with a BA in accounting, Shabsey developed a very successful apparel company, Brisco Brands, over the past 25 years. As a political askan in Toms River, New Jersey, he has become the lay leader of the Jewish community, working with local, State and Federal politicians. As our trailblazer, Shabsey has unified our efforts to bring Living Kiddush Hashem to every Jew worldwide.


Marc Firestone


Marc Firestone is a graduate of California State University Northridge and has worked in financial services for over 40 years in different capacities. Learning and leading with Aish HaTorah for over 30 years as a major lay leader, he was heavily influenced personally by R’ Noach Weinberg. This influence inspired him to develop and teach such programs as “User Friendly Judaism”, “Date Happy,” “The 25 Principles of Marriage,” “One Mishneh a Day Pirkei Avos initiative,” “The Juggler Time Blueprint.” He also helped in the branding of Project Inspire. Seeing the potential impact of Torah Jews on the world, Marc became focused on the importance of making Kiddush HaShem a prominent part of our everyday thinking and behavior.

Mr. Chesky Kauftheil is a highly motivated individual who has made it his life's work
to support his fellow Jews. Through his involvement with various organizations, including Mishkan Yecheskel, Torah Anytime, Kesher Nafshi, Daf Hachaim, and Keiravtuni, h has been able to start successful initiatives that have made a significant impact in the community. While he is a successful business owner with multiple ventures, his true calling is using his resources and skills to assist other Jews in need. Chesky's passion for helping others is truly inspiring and his unwavering dedication to this cause is a testament to his caring nature.

Mr. Chesky Kauftheil

Mr. Chesky Kauftheil


Shabsey Gartner founded the Heritage House in Jerusalem over 40 years ago with Rabbi Meir Schuster, under the guidance of R’ Noach Weinberg. As a graduate of SUNY with a BA in accounting, Shabsey developed a very successful apparel company, Brisco Brands, over the past 25 years. As a political askan in Toms River, New Jersey, he has become the lay leader of the Jewish community, working with local, State and Federal politicians. As our trailblazer, Shabsey has unified our efforts to bring Living Kiddush Hashem to every Jew worldwide.