Living al Kiddush
Hashem is every
Jew's mission
Kiddush Hashem is raising the importance of Hashem in our eyes and the world, through everything we do. It means we intentionally choose His Will above all else, only for His honor.
למען דעת כל עמי הארץ כי ה הוא אלוקים
Our Purpose,
Our Priority
Kiddush Hashem relates to:
- Private & public settings
- Bein adam l’makom & bein adam l’chaveiro
- Our thought & behavior
While Kiddush Hashem is a mitzvah
of overarching importance, it is also
one that’s frequently misunderstood.
Not just a mitzvah,
a duty and opportunity
We live with collective and individual responsibility, understanding our power to constantly bring the world towards — or away from — holiness.
There's no small thing
in a great existence
We understand that this is not just about grand deeds that get published in the papers. Every action we do — or don’t do — whether seen by others or not, matters.
For Hashem,
not for them
We act the way halacha dictates, for Hashem’s honor, even if doing so is unpopular. It’s not about impressing or lecturing non-Jews or even combating anti-semitism, although those can be positive outcomes of our actions.
Different, not
We understand Torah and Derech Eretz are one. While we limit interactions with the outside world we treat all people, animals, and even properties with care and respect. We make efforts (within the realms of halacha) to foster understanding, good-will, and harmony.
our Mission
Real chinuch begins with our children. That’s why we invest in curricula for schools, yeshivos, seminaries, and camps. If you’re involved in the chinuch world and want to make an impact, bring our program to your students and watch the transformation.